Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dreams Dreams Dreams

I had 2 really weird dreams this morning. The first one woke me up at 7am...along with the sun peeking through my rolladens. It was about vampires I think...and TJ Thyne was one and he was trying to kill me in this dream. He's the actor from the show Bones with the really curly hair and he analyzes dirt and particulates. Anyway. The part I remember the most is that I was in some abandoned high rise building and I was trying to get out of it so I thought that I would take the fire exit and just hurry my way down a billion flights of stairs. I know in the movies they always seem to go up instead of down, but that totally didn't make sense to me in the dream. So I go out in the fire exit and I look down and vampire TJ is there listening. You know when you can tell someone is just listening to what's going on around them. They don't move their head or body very much and there head is kind of cocked so that their dominant ear is kind of sticking out. I remember his hair was short but all crazy and disheveled. I looked kind of dirty too and when he heard me and looked up his face was all dirty too. He didn't look all movie vampire; his face didn't distort into some scary monster face and his eyes didn't change color, but he did have the fangs and he made some weird hissing growling noise.
So then I freak out and run back in the door. I notice it has a deadbolt so I figure I'll try to use it to buy myself a little time, but I can't get the door shut all the way. I keep pulling it closed and turning the lock but all 3 times the doors not fully closed. I keep testing it by pushing it open and realizing that I didn't close it hard enough.
There's a little glass window near the top of the door and I can see him coming up the stairs so I just decide "Screw ass is out of here!" I turn around and I see a very pale and large woman with red hair in front of me. She kind of has a barrel chest and is wearing some kind of wine/burgundy color velvet dress with other lace and sparkly stuff on it. I remember she had very small facial features too. I, personally, don't know who she was, but dream me was super relieved. She looked kind of upset when she saw me, but I just cried and she opened her arms to hug me and then hid me behind he and the door opened. I don't remember anything else, but I was kinda shaken when I woke up. Times like this living alone kinda sucks.
The second dream I had started out in my apartment, except for instead of it being on the ground level, it was in some high rise. I remember going to the was small like the kitchen window, but I wasn't in the kitchen..or maybe I was in my bedroom, I don't know. So, I look out the window and all I see is snow and trees lining the back yard, except the snow is all the way up the trees to the point that I can only see branches sprouting out. I can't believe that this much snow happenened!! What about the people on the lower floors, is everyone okay, what the hell is going on?!
I go to leave and then when I enter the living room, I realize this isn't even my apartment and I don't really know how I got here. I wander around and find Nathaniel (a guy I work with) and he's working on something metal..probably a computer part or something. He's sitting on a bar stool kind of chair and has his foot up on this counter/bench. He doesn't say anything when I walk in so I figure I'm supposed to be there. Then some people come through the front door and it's my friends John & Julia. They are kind of frantic and are gathering up parts and metal pieces and talking to Nathaniel about repairs and stuff and then Lindsay (Nathaniel's wife) comes in and just listens. When John & Julia start to leave, Lindsay leaves too and goes into an apartment across the hall and closes the door. As much as I can figure (now or during the dream) is that Lindsay was watching hers and John & Julia's baby and that I was supposed to be working on repairing stuff with Nathaniel. I go back into the bedroom to see how the snow is and a bunch of tree branches have been piled on top of snow and it's melting..kind of wierd. I don't remember anything else about this dream so I'm not sure if the next dream was separate, or if this dream flowed into the next.
I was in a great big hall and there were all these beds set up with book cases organized so that they kind of separated the beds. On the far right there was a huge dining table with silverware and glasses all set up for a formal dinner. I remember the hall had a soft yellow/cream glow to it and the ceilings were very high and at some points kind of rounded like there were small caps on the outside of the roof. The book cases were very dark wood and there was a burgundy colored cloth there...maybe the curtains or the bedding. I think there were nurses there wearing traditional nurse dresses and the little hats and white shoes with big soles. I was there in my uniform for some reason and I went over to one of the beds. I think it was my great Grandma Betty. She had a handkerchief over her hair or a very tight skull cap on that was light blue or white. She looked different...almost like Mother Teresa in a way, but I felt like it was her. I kept asking her if she wanted me to bring things from home and in a very roundabout way she told me that she didn't have a home/wasn't going home because she was going to die soon. She told me all this while we were both kneeling on the floor on opposites sides of her bed. It had that blue blanket that is kind of a cottony-wool that gets all those fuzzballs all over it when you wash it. It has the satin trim at the top of the blanket. After she told me this, she got up on the bed and we laid next to each other and I held her so that her head was on my shoulder. I asked her if she was okay or scared to die, but she was just sad. Then a bell rang and I got up. I went over to the dinner table to get a tray to put the plates, glass and silverware on. I took the tray over to her bookcase and set it there untilt he food came. As I put the tray down I hear yelling behind me. I turn around and it's someone else..I can't remember if she looks the same, but the person/spirit/whatever is totally different and I know just who it mom. She yelling about how I put the tray in the wrong place or that she doesn't want to eat what they're serving or some kind of complaining. Then my alarm goes off.
I know...wierd, huh?

1 comment:

  1. I was trying to understand all of this - I love writing out my dreams trying to interpret them myself. Did you ever figure out this dream?
    I have a dream book that's fairly correct.
    Is your grand mother still alive?
    You have to look up bed, books, wood,... all the key things from these two dreams. Very interesting but certainly not weird because it could be foretelling something or trying to piece together every thing that was in your mind.
    good stuff!
