Monday, November 9, 2009

Inspired by Glitter in the Air by P!nk

Have you ever realized that you may never be quite "worth it" to the person you're with? It hasn't been said, but you feel it...or you see it in their actions. The way they don't seem to have time for you anymore, the way they absent-mindedly go about their hurried business and don't notice you are still in the room when they turn out the light, or the way you've been sleeping in different rooms because you are on completely different sleep schedules. Sex has become a task that the requester doesn't seem to have any effort to contribute to. The connection is fading the way an old battery slowly dies. The presence of your partner no longer warms you like the sun, but rather fades you like an old photograph left outside. Independence has turned to loneliness within the boundaries of a relationship; not like the freedom it once was when you were single. Or maybe the pain is not from the loneliness, but from being taken for granted. Being silently told "You are good enough to give me what I want and need, but you are not good enough for me to return the favor." Your ears have learned to identify the truth when they hear it...empty promises. Is this resentment? Is this the start of the end? How did this all fall apart? Why does it feel like I am the only one trying? Perhaps my view is skewed and my jaded mind is seeing only what it wants, but how do you know when to try harder and when to just give up?

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